Why should you choose NABL & NABH accredited Lab?

Why should you choose NABL & NABH accredited Lab?

Accredited Laboratories for NABL and NABH in Delhi: What makes Doctors Diagnostic Centre so special that people would like to consider it among the first options for quality test services?  

In a diagnostic centre, radiology services comes under NABH accreditation, and pathology services comes under NABL accreditation.  

Accurate and reliable diagnosis forms the backbone of effective healthcare. With each step in the advancement of medical technology, the need for reliable diagnostic services increases. Timely and precise diagnostic tests go a long way in detecting diseases at their inception and help planners immensely in directing the course of treatment.

In the plethora of such diagnostic centres, Doctors Diagnostic Centre really stands apart and is providing good quality diagnostic services to many people in the busy metropolis of Delhi. It has been credited as a centre of pride by the two most leading accreditation bodies, NABL and NABH. That means at Doctors Diagnostic Centre, the highest possible standard is followed regarding diagnostic testing to make sure that the delivered results to the patients are quite accurate. Be it a routine health check-up or very advanced and specialised medical test, this respected Delhi-based medical diagnostic centre remains committed to reliable and efficient quality services for all who seek their area of expertise.


What is NABL Accreditation?

NABL stands for the National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories. It is an autonomous body working under the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, responsible for providing official accreditation to all testing and calibration laboratories throughout the country. On the other hand, in the garb of NABL accreditation, it's a mark of quality and reliability which assures diagnostic centre that they follow international standards with regard to technical competence and excellence in their operations.

The Doctors Diagnostic Centre Najafgarh, Delhi has an awfully strong team that applies itself assiduously to comply with the stringent and broad-based certification prescribed by NABL, complete with comprehensive assessment of all those critical parameters. Critical parameters refer to the competence of the lab in terms of technical matters, whether equipment is calibrated as well as well-maintained for continuous use, the accuracy and dependability of the test reports that come out of such equipment, and strict adherence to laid down and standardised procedures. Basically, this would mean more assurance for a patient needing medical aid and testing, with full belief in the fact that his test results are reliable and accurate, bringing a sense of confidence in their health decisions.

Why NABL accreditation is significant?

The NABL accreditation is important for the diagnostic laboratories to function at a highly optimal level of technical competence and operational efficiency. It guarantees that the different tests are performed under very strict quality control; hence, the patients availing of such services would get trustworthy and reliable results.Doctors Diagnostic Centre, Najafgarh It is a diagnostic centre par excellence and since the inception of the lab it has maintained its NABL accreditation. One of the finest testing services in Delhi is on the offer here. Quality wholesale at the laboratory makes it a trusted name in the field of diagnostics.


What is NABH Accreditation?

While NABL basically deals with sophisticated technical aspects related to the procedures proposed for laboratory tests, accreditation by NABH is supposed to cover the entire grey area relevant to facilities dealing with healthcare. The role of the accreditation also becomes very critical in order to assure that the diagnostic centre and hospitals maintain high standards concerning patients' care and safety and general operational efficiency.

NABH accreditation will mean that at Doctors Diagnostics Centre, patient-centred care with regard to safety at the time of service provision remains ensured. The centre follows NABH protocols of stringent safety measures, staff training, and usage of high-quality equipment.

Significance of NABH to Patients

NABH is the recognition that Doctors Diagnostic Centre does not compromise but strives to reach perfection in the health care experience of each and every individual patient who comes to the Centre. From ensuring safety to patients, competency and qualification of the staff, to each and every aspect of the service, vigilance over regular control has been a major endeavour for keeping the highest standards.

Doctors diagnostic centre:The continuous effort put forward by Doctors Diagnostic Lab for patients' comfort and care contributes a lot toward making each and every individual feel safe and comfortable during the course of diagnosis. Emphasis on NABH quality in care contributes much in making this place one of the most trusted facilities in the congested city of Delhi. 


What are the reasons for preference of a diagnostic centre under the accreditation of both NABL and NABH?

Both these organisations ensure quality health care through the diagnostic centres that come under their accreditation. It is an organisation of such repute that the process of its accreditation could never be a one-time event but rather a continuous procedure wherein there is regular auditing of the laboratories at par with existing quality standards. This auditing is absolutely required for the continuity in conformity to set quality standards of these facilities. Here it basically means when we refer to why is an accredited centre a must:

Quality Assurance: The Doctors Diagnostic Centre always maintains the high parameters set by NABL and NABH to assure patients that nothing but the best in diagnostic services is offered. In addition, routine audits are done to keep the centre updated with the latest technological advances, as well as the best practices acknowledged internationally.

Test results that are correct and dependable: An accurate diagnosis is an important factor that gives the doctor and clinician information they need to make the appropriate decisions to care for their patients. NABL accreditation ensures that the Doctors Diagnostic centre in Najafgarh abides by the delivery of accurate and reliable test results. This directly helps health care professionals with information to cater to their patients for optimum care.

Trust and Credibility: Amidst the teeming metropolis that is Delhi, the Doctors Diagnostic Centre has found itself a house among the very reliable and reputable diagnostic institutes. Accreditations from this eminent facility assure and ensure a very high order of confidence amongst patients seeking medical care and health care providers who depend so much on accurate and timely diagnostic results to guide them in their clinical decisions.

Doctors Diagnostic Centre: This reputed facility is a fully accredited laboratory in Delhi, which holds an accreditation from both NABL and NABH.Based in the heart of Delhi, Doctors Diagnostic Centre has developed its prestigious reputation over the years with dedicated and committed service to the community. It was established with the major goal of offering qualitative and responsible diagnostic services at affordable pricing. This health care centre has grown into a synonymous and trusted name for patients who seek quality medical treatment.

Accreditation Journey: Prestigious accreditations like NABL and NABH are considered an achievement in the healthcare industry; not an easy task. This was indeed a long and tiring process for Doctors Diagnostic with no less up-gradation of facilities and investments in the latest technology to further the services. Stringent protocols for testing and care of the patients were also put in place so that the best outcome for them is assured. 

Full-range and Well-diversified Services: From simple blood work to sophisticated imaging techniques now on the frontiers of medial technology, the range of diagnostic tests this centre offers is capable of suiting many different kinds of medical requirements. Whether one needs a routine check-up for peace of mind or an investigation into a more specialised test that may get to the bottom of a condition, Doctors Diagnostic Centre is fully equipped with readiness to take care of all your diagnosis needs in as efficient and effective a way as possible. 

Making it more human: Every single test is conducted with the availability of all the latest advanced diagnostic facilities within the medical field at Doctors Lab, Najafgarh. Each facility provided, from a detailed CT scan down to a detailed blood analysis, is highly maintained by the technical team in the lab, which has a wide experience and great skill. The best results will be obtained because the best techniques are being applied.

There are manifold reasons for choosing Doctors Diagnostic Centre.

Why would someone choose Doctors Diagnostic Centre over any other lab, if at all the choice has to be made by someone. The key reasons that give our distinct edge are:

Precision and Accuracy: NABL accreditation means that each test conducted at Doctors Diagnostic has been done with the highest considerations of quality control. This would mean the importance of accuracy and reliability in making informed medical decisions.

Customer-Focused Services: The NABH Accreditation is a proof that this centre will always walk an extra mile for its patients. In Doctors Diagnostic Centre, every little thing, no matter how small, is geared toward the comfort and satisfaction of the patients: less waiting time, quicker booking, or even the amiability of the staff.

Convenience: Home-based services for the collection of blood, online booking of appointments, and availability of laboratory reports have made access way easier without necessarily having to step into a laboratory. Thus, all the amenities to make a patient's journey to diagnosis smooth are catered to at Doctors Lab in Najafgarh. 

Cost: Though Doctors Diagnostic is one of the most advanced and modern diagnostic centre in Delhi, but still they believe in offering all sorts of healthcare services at such an affordable price to one and all. Diagnostics of good quality should be within the reach of one and all, and nobody compromises on their health because of a tight budget or lack of finances. 

Testimonials & Success Stories: Patient feedback has been excellent, and they speak volumes about the services rendered by Doctors Diagnostic Centre. A few examples that actually show how the centre has deeply made a difference in their lives are: 

Case Reports: Scores of patients have shared their pleasant and healthy experience with Doctors Diagnostic, bringing forth and illustrating the excellence in test diagnostics taken, the professionalism of the staff attending, and conveniences that are provided overall by the services offered, such as the convenience of offering home collection facilities.

Accomplishment Stories: The most important case is, of course, related to the early diagnosis of a patient with a fatal disease; all this was possible through various tests at Doctors Lab Najafgarh with due diligence. Such prompt and accurate early detection plays a vital role for timely treatment to save a patient's life.


The question is now raised: How does one go about the selection of the most appropriate diagnostic centre in metropolitan Delhi? 

The task of choosing the best diagnostic centre sometimes proves to be quite an overwhelming one, particularly when keeping in view the number of diagnostic centre available for selection.

Here is how to make an ideal choice that suits your needs, following some useful tips:

The Value of Accreditation: When selecting a diagnostic centre, one should always look for these accreditations with NABL and NABH, since such internationally prestigious certifications ensure top-rated services, further assured by the reliability of the establishment as a whole.

Reputation and Technology: It has to be remembered the reputation of the centre and whether they employ advanced forms of diagnostic equipment. The Doctors Diagnostic centre International employs the use of world cutting edge technology with the best service to the patients.

Doctor's Advice: Deciding on health care requires seeking and asking for advice from your physician. Most practitioners in Delhi trust Doctors Diagnostic Centre, and refer their patients to this facility season in and season out because of the belief that this is a service on which it can rely to deliver accurate and reliable test results. 


In today's fast lifestyle, there is a need for diagnostic services to be reliable and accurate to ensure effective health care. Delhi-based Doctors Diagnostic Centre provides the best quality testing services to patients, as it is accredited to NABL and NABH. From sophisticated technology to patient-specific care, Doctors Diagnostic is the name you can entrust with your health. Therefore, the next time a patient is in need of a diagnostic test for whatever health-related issues, remember that the Doctors Diagnostic Centre will certainly be the final destination as far as receiving health care service-not only with high accuracy and reliability but also with lesser costs.